What is the difference between Felt Credits and Felt Subscription Credits.

Felt Credits are credits you can purchase in packs at a discount. Packs start at 30 credits with 10% off.

Purchasing Felt Credits are a great way to save on cards! When purchasing bulk, we pass great saving onto you and the more Felt Credits you purchase the more saving you will see.

Now let’s talk Felt Subscription Credits. We never want you to worry about if you don't use ANY of your subscription benefits within a Felt Subscription cycle. Your subscription cards will roll over into Subscription Credits that are equal to the cost of your subscription bill cycle. These credits still act in the same manner as dollars, if a card cost $4.50 then you can use 4.5 Subscription Credits to purchase your card.

These credits will always be available within your account as long as your subscription is active. If you should chose to discontinue your subscription then your Subscription Felt Credits will no longer be available at the end of your current bill cycle.